Getting More Online Sales

Test #1: Offer just one product or service on your home page.

Do you sell a number of products or services on your Newcastle website?

If so, I'd strongly recommend you test whether or not this is the best strategy for you. We've found that offering fewer products in one place with more copy describing those products always translates into higher sales.

It's all about focus.

Instead of trying to please everyone who visits your site by offering a large range of products with minimal detail about each one, if you offer just one product--or one set of related products--you can really focus on one key set of benefits and answer all the possible questions and doubts your visitors might have about your product.

And you don't have to stop selling your other products--you can always offer them to your customers from other web pages or by using follow-up offers. 

Of course, the only way to find out for sure if this will work with your target audience is to test it! Write a sales letter for your lead product, and put it on your home page. Then run the test for a week or two to see how it increases your sales.